Saturday, September 12, 2020

 One of the Most important goal in Main Account is to upgrade City Hall to level 22.

Civilization selected should be China which gives 5% Building boost and Sun Tzu Commander.

IMP Note :

  • There is One Building that you need to upgrade simultaneously After City Hall i.e. ALLIANCE CENTER.

Importance of Buildings with Ratings:

Ratings Level and Comments :

5→Very Important

4→Important+Condition or Limit

3→Its upon you and Depends on City Hall upgrade Requirements.

2→Has tons of Resources and need to waste them all. 

1→I am poor in terms of resources☺ and my building queue is Free then upgrade this Buildings.




Reasons and Benefits

Town Hall


· Important Till Level 22

· Increases Tons of Might

· Increases March  Capacity

Alliance Center


§  This is Most important Building than City hall and the Heart of F2P Player which saves speedups

§  Decreases Building and Research Time by 3 minutes or 1% Depending on Upgradation Time.



·  Required for every City Hall upgrade.

· Reduces Gold Chest and Equipment Time Every time you upgrade.

·  Increases free silver chest Limit



§  Required for every City Hall upgrade.




·  Reduces Research Time Every time you upgrade.

·  Unlocks Troops and Other Researches at every upgrade.

· Use speedups every-time after Academy level 7 when you keep academy for upgrade because you will get more Research time.

· Upgrade simultaneously with city Hall which will give extra research boost.


§  Need to upgrade till Level 17 as I am sick of Training troops after every short Internal.

§  Increase Training Speed at Level 102.5%, 165%, 217.5%



·   Need to upgrade till Level 17 as I am sick of Training troops after every short Internal.

·  Increase Training Speed at Level 102.5%, 165%, 217.5%



§  Need to upgrade till Level 17 as I am sick of Training troops after every short Internal.

§  Increase Training Speed at Level 102.5%, 165%, 217.5%

Seige Workshop


·  Need to upgrade till Level 17 as I am sick of Training troops after every short Internal.

·  Increase Training Speed at Level 102.5%, 165%, 217.5%



§  Depends upon you whether to upgrade or not but Please Upgrade Before First KVK.

Gold Mines




Check Rating Comment






Trading Post




Lumber Mills



Scout Camp


We will upgrade Hospital before start of First KVK.

Kindly check the Below Description as "How will I proceed till CH 22".

Till This Everything is Upgraded to Max Before Teleporting to the Most Recent Kingdom.(You had 10 Days). 

We can achieve this without using speedups.


After Teleporting to the new kingdom, you will use your builder to upgrade CH7→CH8. At this time, do not wait for upgrade to complete(wait till you have received maximum help inorder to save speedups) and use Construction speedups.

Secondly, I have never tried upgrading CH7→CH8 and teleporting in middle to the most recent kindgom. (If it works please let me know in comments)

Why are we not waiting?,"you research is halted" and your second builder is also free.

There are few things that one may think "why am I upgrading City Hall City Hall like an idiot?"

The answer is Simple: The most important thing is I want to unlock T4 at CH 21 and 5 Marches at CH 22. Also, upgrading City Hall gives you an exponential Might which is better to sustain at Top 5 alliance Initially.Also, you can go offline as T4 takes long time to train or to upgrade. 


  1. Do waste Universal Speed ups or Resources Packs if it is not necessary.
  2. Do waste Universal Speed ups or Resources Packs if it is not necessary.
  3. Do waste Universal Speed ups or Resources Packs if it is not necessary.
  4. Do waste Universal Speed ups or Resources Packs if it is not necessary.

You have to be patient.You can Check "Speed Ups Section", about how you can efficiently use it.

If you need resources, get them from Farm Account.

If you waste Resources and speeds ups,Forget about reaching 13 mil, you will be like 10-11 mil before KVK1 because

At Level CH 17, We need to take a Rest for some time and Will Upgrade Barracks, Archery, Stable and Seige Workshop to Level 17.This is because we need to Increase our troop training capacity so that we can take a rest instead of continuously Login into the game.

Tip No 1: Dependent sequence upgrades

Basic Order for CH upgrade which will be present at every stage:

Stone Mine→Tavern→Wall→City Hall(Every time one Building queue will be busy in this sequence).

If I am waiting for an upgrade to complete like Walls so that I can upgrade my City Hall and have second Building queue is free then in the mean time i should upgrade one of these → Barracks, Archery, Stable and Seige Workshop.

Secondly if you are Low on Resources, upgrade Farms,Lumber Mill,Quarry,Goldmine(Its takes a lot of resources just like Hospital).

After Upgrading Barracks, Archery, Stable and Seige Workshop to Level 17 each, Go for CH 22.

Check the images for more references:

Tip No 2: Preparing for Prerequisites for next City Hall

Suppose, If you have kept to upgrade City Hall Like CH15→CH16, so after that I will Start upgrading prerequisites of CH17 → "Quarry,Tavern,Wall,Farm,Barracks, Hospital"

In Others words, 

My Barracks is Level 12,

One of My Hospital is level 12,

One of My Quarry is Level 15(My current City Hall is Level 15 which is upgrading to City Hall Level 16 so I can Upgrade this unless My CH is Level 16), 

One of My Farm is Level 15(same reason as above),

Wall and Tavern are Level 15(same reason as above).

So, I repeat, all of the above should be Level 16 before I proceed to City Hall Level 17(Currently, I am upgrading CH15→CH16) . 

So,I can Upgrade Buildings (Barracks, Hospital) to Level 15 in the mean time.(One Builder is upgrading CH15→CH16 while my second builder is free).

Afterwards, the only thing that will be remaining for me at CH 16 is to upgrade is:

Quarry level 15→ Quarry level 16

Tavern  level 15→Tavern  level 16

Wall level 15→ Wall  level 16

Farm  level 15→ Farm  level 16

Barracks level 15→Barracks level 16

Hospital  level 15→ Hospital  level 16

And then Boom, Upgrading CH16 → CH17, this is what I call Smart Gaming.

Tip No 3: Gather City Hall upgrade resources in Farm.
The Reason for this is when you kept Wall to upgrade, you are bankrupt in terms of resources.(I am not considering Resources pack in the Items section).
So, you cannot collect Resources to upgrade City Hall in 3-4 Days, It takes Longer than that, so my aim for Farm is that it provides me support for every City Hall upgrades in my main account.

Collect resources in farm as much as you can and then when you want to upgrade Main account City Hall, you transfer all Resources.
No transferring resources from farm Account →Main account for walls and other upgrades.
Reason: You have to upgrade Farm Account as well, so cant transfer Resources for each and every time, this will stagnate Farm's account development.

This is answer about "How you can reach City 22?" in around 60-65 Days.

Once you reach CH 22 then what??

Huh? ....Let me think...mmmmm...Yes, I remembered the answer, you have to upgrade everything....LOL.
Don't be pissed off, I am kidding...haha.
Tip No 4: How to Handle Costly upgrades after CH22
So after City Hall is upgraded to Level 22, we will try to develop every single buildings.
  1. Will upgrade Barracks, Archery, Stable and Seige Workshop to Level 21 unlocking 7.5% Training Boost
  2. Upgrade all Hospitals to Level 16 or 17.
  3. Upgrade everything to level 16, incase you have gathered tons of resources, go for Prerequisites for Next City Hall
After Maxing everything in CH22, all the upgrades are costlier, so in order to tackle this kind of crisis for avoiding scarcity of resources we will follow the below order

Upgrade costlier buildings(alliance center, tavern,barracks, archery...) Upgrade Rating 1 Buildings → Upgrade Rating 1 Buildings(optional if you have not collected enough and repeat this step if you still do not have enough resources)→ then again Upgrade costlier buildings(alliance center, tavern,barracks, archery...).

This is one of the best method which I am currently using and this is how you should proceed with building upgrade.

This Completes Building guide of Main Account Before KVK1.

Thank You :)

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