Friday, September 4, 2020

Before I start personally irritating everyone of you with the stupid talk lets start about Important notes.



Event Ratings:

3 - Very Important , You can Waste Action Points (including Action Points Bottles).
2 - Depends on you, also wasting Action Points(including AP bottles) depends on you.
1 - Crappy event..."No Gains after taking Ton of Pains".

Ark of Osiris  Rating 3

Event Information: A group of 30 people in Alliance face other alliance for a strategic War in order to gain points, ultimately only one team is the winner and everyone gets rewards based on its Points contribution.

Rewards: Gold Sculptures, gems, Alliance credit

Ark of Osiris Important Note & Tips:
Try yo participate in AOO if Possible because you will get 10 free Legendary Sculptures if you have a score of 10k or above 10k.
If you are unable to register in the main alliance, don't get depressed, try participating in farm alliance.
Ultimately, you want rewards, doesn't matter which alliance you are play from.
You need to engage with the opponents in order to gain 10k points as we don't get much points from gathering resources or capturing Arks...

Lohar’s Trial  Rating 3

Event Information: Kill Barbs to collect Lohar Necklace...

Rewards: Lohar's Longbow(Junior Lohar), Lohar's Buckler(Duantless Lohar),gems, Arrows of Resstance, Speed ups, Resources Pack and many more.

Lohar Trial Important Note & Tips:
You may be thinking that I am sick because I am giving importance to this stupid Lohar's event.
Yes, its important not because it gives Lohar sculpts but it is a best way to collect "Arrow of Resistance".
"Arrow of Resistance" is used to upgrade Watchtower and It takes alot of efforts to upgrade watchtower to Level 25(It is one of prerequisite to upgrade Academy to Level 25).

Mightiest Governor(MGE) → Rating 1 

Event Information: Compete against each other in Kingdom to get rewards.

Rewards: According to Rank in Event Rank list.

MGE Important Note & Tips:
For an F2P player or low spender, this event is basically useless. You cannot fight with a "whale" for this event. may be thinking "why we cannot fight whale?",
Lets consider the stages in MGE 
  1. Troops Training
  2. Barbarian Killing
  3. Gathering Resources
  4. Power Gain
  5. Killing Enemies
So, in training troops stage,"do you think you have enough speed ups to train 100k troops or more depending on the first position"
Answer is simple: NO

For Barbarian Killing and Gathering Resources, even though you are in Top 50, it doesn't matter...Troops training and Power gain will show you "who is the real winner or boss"...LOL

As for Killing Enemies stage, no one is an Idiot to go on Rampage..."We are preparing for KVK".

Tips: Only complete the stages in MGE where you can get stage rewards.

Warpath → Rating 2
Events Information: Train 2,000 Tier 2 or Higher Infantry, Archer, Cavalry and Seige. Also, in total train 10k Troops.

Rewards: Check here

Warpath Important Note & Tips:
Train only T2 to complete the requirements and get rewards even though you have unlocked T4.
Incase, you can't complete the event, use Training Speed ups.

Lord of War → Rating 2
Event Information: Train Troops..(its based on power).

Rewards: Check here, only good thing is that we get gems at the last stage of Requirements.

Lord of War Important Note & Tips:
Complete the requirements to get the rewards and don't go aiming for Top.

Tiles & Bricks → Rating 1
Event Description: Upgrade building power.(Requirements are set based on the current Power).

Rewards: Nothing Special, you can check when the event starts.(only gems are good rewards but you need to upgrade a lot of things)

Tiled & Bricks Important Note & Tips:
At times like this you can upgrade your hospitals to complete this event and meet the event requirements and get rewards.

Boundless Wisdom → Rating 1
Event Description: Upgrade Researches...(Requirements are set based on the current Power).

Rewards: Same as Lord of War Event.

Boundless Wisdom Important Note & Tips:
Use research speedups to complete the requirements. Before using speed ups check max boost rune, kingdom boost or Kingdom title.

Overwhelming strength → Rating 2
Event Description: Increase over all power via Buildings, Research, Training Troops(Requirements are set based on the current Power)
Rewards: check here
Overwhelming strength Important Note & Tips:
Complete the requirements to gain rewards and the good thing about this event is that you can meet the requirements via Buildings, Research, Training Troops collectively.

Note: Most of the events are almost same with different name.

Daily Gathering → Rating None
Get the rewards...

Clarion Call → Rating 2
Event Information: Defeating Barbarians and Alliance fighting each other to be on the top for rewards.
Rewards: Check here
Clarion call Important Notes & Tips:
Complete the Requirements and make points up to 8k-10k only if there is no KVK.

Strategic Reserves → Rating 1
Event Information: Collecting Resources, Gathering Resources, Killing barbarians.
Rewards: Nothing special.
Strategic Reserves Important Notes & Tips:
The event is crappy, usually prefer using natural AP and will focus more on gathering Resources.

The Karuak Ceremony  Rating 3
Event Description: It can be said that the even contains 2 Stages, Individual stage and Alliance stage which is unlocked in regards to completion of individual stages.
Event is basically killing the barbs, if not then rally the barbs or get the help but the rewards are worth to waste AP.

Rewards: Depends upon the difficulty one chooses(prefer higher difficulty to get more Golden Sculpts)

The Karuak Ceremony Important Notes & Tips: 
Complete till level 50 and help other Or get help from others(LOL).Secondly participate in Alliance Event as it also give good Rewards.

Victorious Heart → Rating 2
Event Description: Training Troops Shit...
Rewards: Only good things is training speed ups...
Events/Victorious Heart Important Notes & Tips:
Complete the event by training T2 and if not, do it via Training Speed ups.

Holy Conqueror → Rating 1
Event Description: Another shitty event to waste time.Killing 10 guardians and collecting 5 runes.
Rewards: Only 1 golden key reward is good.
Holy Conqueror Heart Important Notes & Tips:
Completing the events depends upon you.

Civilization/Country Themed Event  Rating 3
There will be various country themed event depending on the available civilizations in the ROK through out the year...where the rewards will be same apart from the commanders(decided based on event).
Civilization/Country Themed Event Important notes:
This Event Takes very less effort to complete.
Firstly, but the golden keys with the token, Next, you can buy Commanders with the remaining's Tokens.

Special Events  Rating 3
Event Information: Special events are basically one of the best ways to get the rewards. But you need to invest some gems the get the premium rewards as well (around 7000).But this gems can be recovered when we complete all the requirements in the events.
Wait I forgot one of the important things i.e. you need to kill barbs, rally forts, gather resources so you can get the event tokens and then you can use these tokens to complete the requirements.

Rewards: You get every type of tokens(gold sculpts, gems, resources...)

Special Event Important Notes & Tips:
Complete all the requirements. It is a 7 day event, as far as I know, the rewards drops on the  First Day are really good for every events and then it diminishes as the days goes on till day 5. Day6 and Day 7 are pay and get rewards days, in these you don't get any token by killing barbs, gathering resources or rallying forts.

This is all about events.
If I messed something let me know in the comments section.


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